Dear Governor Andrew M. Cuomo,
I am writing to express my strong encouragement for New York State to specifically direct funding to tidal wetland protection and restoration initiatives to support coastal resiliency, or the defense against extreme weather events which are becoming more frequent and exacerbated by climate change and sea level rise. As you know, New York contains five estuaries which are managed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in cooperation with other state, local, and federal government agencies. Tidal marshes within New York’s estuarine areas are not only some of the most productive habitats in the world, supporting numerous species of finfish, shellfish, terrestrial wildlife, and avian species, they are also vital for improving water quality by filtering stormwater runoff and metabolizing excess nutrients. This ecological service is critical for clarifying the water and creating more suitable conditions for natural resource and commodity production and supporting the State’s economically important commercial and recreational estuary-related industries such as the fishing and tourism.

Another significant ecosystem service that tidal wetlands provide is coastal resiliency in the face of impending climate change and sea level rise. Healthy functioning tidal marshes can protect public health and infrastructure by providing natural resistance to storms and flooding through rainwater absorption and protecting shorelines from erosion by buffering wave action and sediment capture. So coastal wetlands are a critical line of defense against extreme weather events which are becoming more frequent and exacerbated by global climate change and sea level rise trends. These environments also play an important role in the global carbon cycle due to their ability to act as a carbon sink by accumulating and sequestering carbon dioxide in vegetation and soil organic matter. Tidal wetland carbon sequestration abilities may be significant in relation to the urgency to reduce global carbon footprints contributing to warming and climate change.
Although coastal wetlands are economically and ecologically invaluable to the State of New York, many of these areas have become severely degraded to point where the ecosystem services they provide are compromised. Historically, a number of anthropogenic stressors during the last century have had major impacts to tidal wetlands in New York. Public nuisance and health concerns about marsh mosquito populations during the late 1800’s into the early 1900’s led to the promotion of the historical practice of grid-ditching existing wetlands. Filling of low-lying lands for residential and commercial uses as well as the construction of roads, bridges, and canals has led to severe wetland acreage loss. And cross-continental travel and trading, induced the proliferation of non-native plant species which effectively displace diverse native vegetation and compromise the integrity of tidal wetland ecosystems.

Currently New York’s most densely populated communities are in close proximity to coastal wetlands and have caused degradation of these environments due mainly to urbanization. Excess nitrogen inputs and other pollutants to New York’s coastal estuarine systems from human land uses generally originate from fertilizers for agriculture, commercial, and residential applications; stormwater runoff and combined sewer overflow discharges; and antiquated cesspool and septic systems. These anthropogenic stressors from terrestrial land uses affect tidal wetland functioning and compound the vulnerability to coastal ecosystems and communities in the context of impending climate change and sea level rise.
With sea levels rising and increasing storm intensity and frequency, New York’s coastal communities need to be better prepared for future climate related scenarios. Public health and safety, reduced risk of structural and non-structural damage, and improved recovery plans should be at the forefront in resiliency planning. But protection and restoration of the natural estuarine environment and its ability to mitigate storm damages should also be of highest priority. For these reasons, I strongly urge you to make adequate funding available for tidal wetland protection and restoration to support the coastal resiliency of New York.
Jennifer McGivern
Senior Environmental Analyst and Environmental Advocate
Cc: NYSDEC Commissioner Basil Seggo
NYSDEC Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources